MetaCTF August 2024 Flash CTF

Thu, August 22, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT (UTC-5)

You are invited to participate in this event! Register now to save a spot and see more information about the competition. Contact us if you have any questions.

There will be 5 challenges, and you will have 2 hours to solve as many as you can. Participation is individual and free to enter.

Event Partners:

Red Siege Infosec
Antisyphon Training
TCM Security


Top 3 participants will get to pick two from the following prize categories. The rest will be raffled to those who solve at least one challenge:

Free virtual ticket to Wild West Hackin' Fest with a seat for Tim Medin & Jason Downey's virtual Offense for Defense class

$100, $50, $25 Amazon gift cards

$100, $50 gift certificates to the Spearphish General Store

1-mo access to the TCM Security Academy

Please note that cash prizes are only available to participants in the United States

For practice, check out the challenges and solutions from our previous Flash CTF at,,